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Ten ways to live healthier today

Writer's picture: KaitlynKaitlyn

Updated: Aug 16, 2018

1. Start each day with a moment of mindfulness.

The first hour of your morning sets the tone for the entire day. Starting your day with a moment of mindfulness is a good way to prepare yourself for the day ahead before jumping into checking messages, emails, and social media. I find that even a quick morning devotional can impact my attitude for the entire day. Whether that means taking five minutes to pray, read, contemplate on today's goals, or even taking a moment of gratitude for a new day of life, this first moments of the day are the best time to prepare you for the challenges and tasks of the day ahead.

2. Drink more water

Did you know that you are made up of 60% water? It is so important for proper health to be well hydrated and many of us do not drink enough of the water that our body needs. There are so many health benefits of drinking water such as it boosts our metabolism, flushes out toxins, promotes healthy weight management, improves your complexion, and so much more. On average, you should aim to drink around 2 liters a day, which is the equivalent to 8 glasses of water. How much water have you had today? :)

3. Exercise

Take time to be active every day. Even if this means to park you car a little further in the parking lot so that you walk a little more or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. There are so many health benefits of daily exercise including improving mood, increasing energy levels, promoting blood flow for better circulation, and so many more!

4. Get enough sleep

Adequate sleep is an important component of a healthy lifestyle. Sleep promotes healthy brain function, energy, and even benefits your immune system. Sleep plays an important role is both your physical and mental health so aim to get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep to function at your best.

5. Eat at least one healthy meal a day

It may seem unrealistic for some people to eat extremely healthy for every single meal, but if you make it a goal to try and eat at least one healthy meal a day you will get in some extra nutrients and benefit your health. Even one healthy meal a day is better than none. If you are rushed in the morning a great easy breakfast are overnight oats that you can quickly prepare the night before. For a healthy dinner, try to incorporate lots of veggies and a lean protein source. I found this article to be helpful when thinking about healthy meal alternatives.

6. Spend time with friends and family

One of the most important and meaningful aspects of life is spending time with those you love. Spending time with friends and family improves your quality of life is so many ways. It is important for your health as it reduces stress, strengthens the immune system, and even can prolong your life. Making time for the ones you love on a daily basis is natural and needed for healthy human connections. Not only will it benefit your health, but it will benefit those who you spend time with also!

7. Think positive

Having a positive outlook on life sets you up for success and growth. By having a positive attitude you are able to focus on your accomplishments vs. failures. Studies show that people with a more positive attitude tend to live happier and healthier lives. What are three accomplishments that you are proud of today? What are three things that you love about yourself? Daily affirmations are such an excellent way to remind yourself of the incredible person that you are and goals help guide us as we continue to grow and better ourself every day. A friend of mine recommended this five minute journal. It only takes five minutes a day to write down what you are grateful for, daily affirmations, and goals. This journal helps you to focus on the good in your life and is excellent if you are looking for a simple tool to focus on the positive in your life.

8. Stop all media one hour before bed

Many people admit to using a technological device before bed and even children now use electronic media right before bed. I have found that taking at least one hour before bed to stop all media including tv and browsing social media to be so beneficial to my health and sleep. There has been some research that has suggests that the bright light on a smart phone can cause the brain to stop producing melatonin and make it harder to fall and stay asleep. Instead, try to read before bed. Reading will naturally make you feel more sleepy, and if you are reading something inspiring or uplifting that will be the last thing you think about before bed.

9. Take a probiotic

Probiotics are live bacteria that are good for your body, especially your digestive system. We often think of bacteria being "bad" but probiotics restore the needed good bacteria and kill the bad bacteria. With the modern American diet, we are consuming more processed and high sugar content foods which killing off the natural microbiome of our guts. This can devastate our entire health affecting digestion, affecting our mood, causing skin problems, and so much more. I started taking a probiotic because a healthy gut affects so much more than just digestion. This post is not sponsored in any way, but I have been taking this ultimate prebiotic and probiotic supplement for over 2 months and have noticed a significant change in my digestive and mental health. Here are some other amazing benefits of probiotics.

10. Set Goals

Setting goals is healthy to ones health because it motivates and pushes us to strive to be the best version of ourselves. Learning new things, trying new hobbies, striving to grow more each day helps us not to be stagnant in our life and have something exciting to look forward to. What are three goals that you have in your life? How will plan to accomplish these goals?


I hope that you enjoyed these ten ways to live a little healthier and happier today! I am not a doctor, but these are just some ways that I feel have improved my health and well being that I wanted to share. We would love to hear if you have any other health tips that you feel benefit your life! Share in the comments below. Have an amazing day! :)





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